Resolution to Fight Racism and End Discrimination in Fresno County Schools Passes.

Juneteenth is a day of recognition and commemoration for the ending of traditional slavery in America.

Allow this holiday to remind us of how to be an ally for the Black community; commemorate the lives lost in the fight for freedom, equality, and equity; let us celebrate the triumphs and the contributions of the Black community; and elevate young Black lives.
Although we have made significant progress, we still have work to do; that is why I, and the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, Jim Yovino, introduced Fresno County Board of Education’s first resolution to combat racism, embrace diversity, and end discrimination in our educational systems.

With a 5-0 vote, I am honored to inform you that we are taking a stand to elevate the lives of our queer and BIPOC students in Fresno County Schools.


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